Saturday 25 July 2009

Two Munros before lunchtime

The forecast was good, so Freja and I started off early to Glen Doll. It was a good drive and the car park at Glen Doll was pretty full. The parking machines were out of action and I had to pay £2 at the reception centre. Apparently when one machine jams, the other gives up the ghost; they have just been repaired and it is going to cost £400 to repair them again.

We set off along the track and then up the Kilbo Path, the Shank of Drumfollow. Some of the upper part of the forest has been cut down and this area and the open ground were in the sunshine. It was a hot climb and we reached the top of the path in an hour or so. Freja's wee rucksack worked beautifully.

After stopping for a morning break, we headed up Driesh, where Freja's backpack was admired by a group which included a local farmer, a lady from Forfar and a friend from South Africa who also admired my trousers from Zimbabwe. Then back and up Mayar, where we met a dog who was very interested in Freja. We stopped for lunch on the way down. There were great views north to Lochnagar and southwest to Ben Vorlich and Stuc a' Chroin.

Then down the Kilbo Path again and Freja had a little freedom in the forest. A great day!

1 comment:

  1. You should check out Iona's latest photos from Oregon
